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Life is rhythm. Sinopsis

LIFE IS RHYTHM is a show by CAMUT BAND which mixes African percussion, tap dance, voice and sand dance. For more than an hour, six performers play with their roles, exchange their abilities and mix their rhythms to achieve a surprising performance which is original, fresh and so full of energy that it makes the audience want to get up and dance, seduced by the magic of what is happening on the stage.

Mixing the most modern tap dance technical with the percussion of different cultures and building new sound instruments, Camut Band created in 1999 an original and a different show, "Life is Rhythm", that has been on tour all over the world, achieving applauses and praises of all the public. From his debut in 2000 in Barcelona and Edinburgh (Fringe Festival), the show has obtained the maximum and unanimous appreciation of the press, with 5 stars articles.

Life is rhythm. Poster      Life is rhythm. La Huella

LIFE IS RHYTHM is comprised of different parts which follow one another without a break:

  1. BETWEEN FEET AND HANDS - Three dancers dance on drums with different sounds to the rhythm of a Senegalese DJEMBE and two THIOUNGS.
  2. "The most musical feet within the city limits right now belong to this startling dance and percussion quintet from Barcelona". THE HERALD August 15, 2000 (Edimburg)

  3. SAND DANCE - A dancer glides over sand accompanied by a Nigerian UDU.
  4. "The sand dance has to be seen to be believed...there is even a solo delivered on an earthenware pot, with feedback for added effect - Hendrix plays pottery". THE EVENING NEWS August 10, 2000 (Edimburg)

  5. THE TABLE - Three characters' rhythmic dialog and vocal banter around a table.
  6. "The hilarious highlight of the show in which an animated conversation builds up into a maelstrom of mouth music is out of this world". THE EVENING NEWS August 10, 2000 (Edimburg)

  7. THE FOOTPRINT - The slow dancing of the artist creates an atmosphere of magic.
  8. "The incorporation of a piano offers a magic dialog between the feet of the dancers and the rhythm of the other instruments which accompany them". EL PERIODICO June 22, 2000 (Barcelona)

  9. ENTERTAINMENT - Dialog and interaction with the audience.
  10. "The joyous spontaneity with which the performers involved the audience was just unbelievable". BACKSTAGE (New York) September 21, 2001

  11. KITING KITA - Choreography and rhythmic dialog of tap dancers with percussionists, who play big drums.

  13. "The hypnotic power of the bongos and the percussion, whether in the form of a wooden box or a metallic barrel, arrives at such a frenetic speed as the rhythm of the dance, reaching the limit of human kinetic potential". CORRIERE MERCANTILE (Genova) December 6, 2001

Life is rhythm. Artistic Credits

  • Production: Kiting Kità SL & J.C.Produccions
  • Creation & Direction: Camut Band
  • Music & Choreography: Lluís Méndez, Toni Español, Rafael Méndez, Guillem Alonso, Jordi Satorra
  • Instruments: High Tap, Mid Tap, Low Tap, Djembe, Thioungs, Udú, Cajón, Bongos, Piano, Voice, Sand and Muxutxs
  • Instruments Design: T.Español, J.Pociello, Zaris, Xus Meana
  • Sound Design: Ferrán Bauló, David Norman
  • Lights Design: Evarist Valera (AAII)
  • Costumes: Uli Maciel
  • Photography: Ros Ribas, David Norman
  • Graphic Design: Toni Ricart. TRMultistudio
Life is rhythm. Sand Dance & Udú     Life is rhythm. Entre Pies y Manos     Life is rhythm. Rafa Méndez    

Camut Band. Life is rhythm. West End London